การศึกษาความเป็นไปได้ของโครงการ (FEASIBILITY STUDY)
1. วิเคราะห์ที่ตั้งโครงการ (Site and Location Analysis)
Site Inspection
Law and Regulation Analysis
Accessibility, Transportation, Facility and so on
SWOT Analysis
2. วิเคราะห์ด้านการตลาด (Market Analysis)
Property Market Research
Demand and Supply Analysis
Competitor Analysis
Marketing Strategies
Our team is conducting feasibility studies for property development projects in Thailand in order to support our clients' decision making process. We aims to work closely with our clients as a companion and helps analyze the highest and best use development ideas that match the clients' needs and maximize their profitability.
Our team of experienced, trustworthy professionals provides:
Business strategies that match clients' needs and lifestyle
Maximum on return on investment (ROI)
Service mind
Information Reliable
3. วิเคราะห์ด้านกายภาพ (Physical Analysis)
Proposed Development Strategy and Schemetic Layout
Area analysis and Architectural Design Concept
4. วิเคราะห์ด้านการเงิน (Financial Analysis)
Potential Revenues and Expenditure Projections
Development Cost
Analysis of the Economic Reture of Propose Projects
Risk Factors' Discussion
5. บทสรุปและคำแนะนะ (Recommendation & Conclusion)